

Event Conduct

JR63 has assembled the following guidelines as a reminder for expectations of you at events.

  1. If you are a rifleman, your PRIMARY job is to protect the MG. In the Kaiser's army, the 08/15 was the Schwerpunkt of the fight. You are to remain with the MG at all times, and protect its flanks and rear. If the MG crew has to fall back, you are to cover their withdrawal. But not to worry. You'll still get plenty of opportunity to burn up those expensive blanks you bought.
  2. Do your best to stay with the unit. That can be difficult during tacticals, but unit cohesion is imperative so we can exert our maximum effort. Also, from a safety standpoint, we need to know where you are. We don't want you out cold in a shell hole in No Man's Land because some yahoo Allie smacked you with his rifle.
  3. If you get separated from the unit, return to our trenches and take up a defensive position. Every now and then, those wacky Allies will decide to infiltrate our trenches even though we're elsewhere.
  4. If some member of another unit with decorations on his collar tells you to follow him, politely explain that he needs to talk to Sgt. Lehmann. If the Sgt. isn't available, politely tell him he'll have to wait until he is. Don't go with him.
  5. Don't get captured by the Russians. They take the POW scenario very seriously.
  6. If you are in the presence of Allies, either speak German or don't speak at all.
  7. We do not expect everyone to learn to speak fluent German, but learning the German names of your uniforms and gear is not that hard. Use these German words at all times. Learning the German for basic commands is also recommended. We have information available to help out with this, all the equipment pages have the German names, and we also have this page for the commands Auf Deutsch.
  8. Maintain military protocol. Follow orders. Do what you're told, not what you want to do. Don't wander off. If you need to leave our area, let the Sgt. know. If we don't act like an Einheitsgruppe, we're just a bunch of guys in old uniforms hanging out in the woods.