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Members wearing Schnürschuhe must also wear Gamaschen, or Wickelbander — leg wraps commonly referred to in English as "puttees". Gamaschen were typically made of web or bound woolen strips colored Feldgrau, stone grey, black or brown. Wrapping the leg from the boot to the calf and binding in the open end of the Hosen kept rocks and debris from making its way into the boots and provided support to the ankles.
Pictures of original Gamaschen. The set on
the left is a late-war ersatz example (appears
to be paper-cloth)
showing the boot hooks at one end, and the set on the right is an
made from wool showing the tie straps.
The German word for fabric leg wraps is specifically Wickelgemaschen - officers also employed leather leg wraps or Ledergemaschen - IR63, being infantry, will use only the fabric wraps. The distinguishing features of German Gamaschen include a large hook for attaching to the shoe at one end and a strap with a buckle or an S-hook at the other to secure at the top.Gamaschen were often made from blankets cut into strips.
Original photo of a Soldat in Schnürschuhe und Gamaschen..