



Below you will find links to "How-to" articles on various aspects of being a Kaisersoldaten. If you find something here that benefits you, and you have something similar you can share, by all means contact our webmaster at FritzHoffmann@IR63.org.

Fußlappen: This is an article about footwraps, which were more common among German soldiers than socks for various reasons, and a guide on how to wear them.

Koppel und Koppelschloß: This is a short photo guide on how to "operate" the German equipment belt. Once you know how to use it, it seems so simple, but for those that have never seen this type of belt and buckle it can seem perplexing.

Gamaschen: This is a written instruction on how to wear Gamaschen (leg wraps or puttees).

Gasmask Stowage: This is a simple illustrated guide on how to fold the gasmask for insertion into the gasmask can.

Mantelrolle: This is a guide for rolling the Zeltbahn (Tent) with the Mantel (overcoat). This roll would be strapped to the backpack or used in the assault pack.

Sturmgepäck: This guide is how to construct the simple assault pack with a guide for creating the Tent/blanket roll or the Mantelrolle (tent/overcoat roll).

Packing the Tornister: Self explanatory, this is a photo guide with a lot of detailed information for the reenactor to pack his pack. This is not for the museum historian as many of the items used are items the reenactor can actually find as opposed to perfect reproductions.

Fine Tuning Your WWI Uniform: So you have bought yourself a German uniform, most likely you can make your uniform just a little better if you pay some attention to the fine details and make it a little closer to the real thing, and after all, that’s what this hobby is all about — doing it right. Sometimes that last part gets overlooked until now.

Drill Regulation 1908: This How-to is a illustrated guide to German drill, circa 1908 that most likely would be what was in use during the war.

How to Tie the Halsbinde: This is a short explanation on how to tie the Halsbinde.

How to Clean Your Gewehr 98: This is a short article on how to clean and care for the Gewehr 98 rifle.

Tying the Troddel: This is a short guide on one method for attaching the Troddel to the bayonet frog.

Czech this Out!: This isn't really something a soldier needs to know, but is an article on how to convert a Czech VZ98/22 Mauser rifle to a GEW98 configuration for use in reenacting.

How to Mark Your Kit: Most of us rarely have trouble at a reenactment, the overwhelming majority of reenactors are honest and don't take stuff they know doesn't belong to them. The confusion comes when packing up in the dark of our bunkers, we are all Germans, so all our stuff looks the same. Your worry is also when you lose stuff, or drop stuff on the battlefield. If you find a canteen, or a bayonet in the trenches, most of us will try and find the owner, but since there are literally hundreds of German reenactors in the trenches, and all our stuff looks the same, how do you find the owner? Easy, you put your name and unit on it.

After one event I found a M1910 Prussian Mütze laying in the road. Nothing unique about it. But when I looked inside, it was stamped with the unit so it was simple exercise to walk to that unit's bunker and return it. This file is a simple guide to assist you in putting your name and unit info on your uniform and equipment in a period manner.

How to Darn Your Socks: This is a short article essentially stolen from Der Erste Zug before their website was taken down on how to repair holes in your wool socks.