Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 63's Links Page
Great War Reenacting Organizations

Great War
Association - Based at the Caesar Krauss Great War Memorial Site in Newville,
Pennsylvania, the GWA is the East Coast's umbrella organization for Great War
reenacting. The GWA hosts two annual
combat reenactments each year. The GWA actually owns its own battle site. This site
is designed complete with trenches,
underground bunkers, shell holes and machine gun nests. The GWA has many different
units from all sides.

Midwest Great War Living History Association
- The MGWLHA is a non-profit dedicated to the education of the public about the practical realities of
soldierly life in World War I and other historical eras. The organization is centered in Kansas City but holds events
throughout the Midwest and has members across the nation.

Airdrome Aeroplanes
(USA) - We are enthusiasts of World War I era airplanes, of any scale. If you would rather watch a World
War I airplane fly straight and level than a Pitts do a complete aerobatic routine, then you are one of us. If a plane
looks naked to you because it doesn't have guns, then you've come to the right place. If you hold services at the
flying field every April 21st, then we're your group. (This last example is a little bit of a stretch, but you get the
point). We want to bring people together who share this passion. We want you to be a regular feature in our
Front Association - The Western Front Association (WFA) was formed with the aim of furthering interest in
The Great War of 1914-1918. We also aim to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those on all sides who
served their countries in France and Flanders and their own countries during The Great War.
Living History
Reenactment Association - The LHRA, Inc. sponsors private and public battle reenactments, public and
private displays of the members' military memorabilia, uniforms, equipment and vehicles. We also participate in
parades, air shows and media projects, documentaries, movies, etc. We assist our members in getting started in
this fulfilling and fun adventure.

Australian Light Horse
Association - A non-profit organization, whose aim is to
preserve the history and tradition of the Australian Light Horse and its predecessors. The site is dedicated to the
Australian Light Horse Regiments, and the Light Horsemen who served their country in both war and peace, and contains
both historical and current information on famous regiments and famous battles, as well as information on both ordinary
soldiers and commanders, existing Military Units, current Re-enactment Troops, and Light Horse Museums.
- Salient Remembrance
Detachment 1914-18 -We are a WW1 re-enacting / living history organisation in Flanders. We started this
organization after The Wings and wheels weekend at Ursel (Flanders), august 2003. S.R.D. was the founded by several
experienced re-enactors. We are specialized in Commonwealth WW1 remembrance and living history. But some members study
other armies / periods too. We have even some who do the German army 1917! Only on special request we can do
other uniforms or periods.
Vendors: Reproductions

Steve Fisher
Reproductions - Steve makes a lot of great products, these are his "standard" line, but he can do custom
stuff, just ask!

Battalions - is the manufacturer of the most accurate reproduction German World War Two uniforms
available, and are now expanding into World War One. We are not the biggest company in the business and we have no wish
to be. Our customers are those "hardcore authentic" reenactors, collectors, and museums who demand the greatest level
of accuracy attainable in a reproduction. Our market niche is to cater to these knowledgeable people by producing
reproduction German uniforms of the highest quality and widest selection on the market.

- Schuster
- Is a Russian manufacturer and vendor of a growing line of WWI German line of offerings. Currently we
believe that their uniforms provide the best quality and authenticity at the best price. They are probably the only
place left to find authentic boots, both low boots and Marschstiefel. Lead time is approximately three months, but we
have heard of no problems in ordering or delivery.

- Hessen
Antique - is a small family owned business specializing in original and reproduction
20th century European and American militaria. We carry a full line of quality reproduction WWI
Imperial German headgear and uniforms in high quality and at competitive prices.

Mattimore Harness - Don't let
the name "Civil War Boots" throw you - he offers military
footwear for a variety of eras. This is the source for the 1915 Bavarian Universal Cavalry Boots and German ankle
boots. The website doesn't picture either of these items so it is best to call first and discuss with Tom. Be aware-
delivery time is often some 12 to 16 weeks since he makes most of these boots himself. Workmanship and quality are
Robert Land
Footwear - Located in Canada, he makes a wide range of historical footwear, including a WWI French ankle
boot and an Imperial German jackboot.

Militarie-repliky - Located
in Czechoslovakia, they sells primarily Austro-Hungarian and
Czech reproductions, but they have a growing line of Imperial German products, and some
items like shirts can be used for both A-H and German impressions.

Leibstandarte - Located
in Czechoslovakia, they have an extensive line of Imperial German
items, original and reproduction, including many items found nowhere else. Buying from the
website is difficult because payment is by bank transfer only, but the seller is on ebay
under the name 'reenact_ru' and sales on ebay can be paid for with Paypal. You might try
asking for a Paypal invoice if you see something you want not listed on

Tommy's Pack
Fillers - Located in France, they makes a impressively wide range of labels, documents and other paperwork
and items for the Commonwealth reenactor.

- Bunker Militaria - Sells original and reproduction items to World War I & II German
reenactors, good prices and quick shipping.

Prussian Glory - Prussian
Glory Miltaria offers a full range of museum quality reproduction artifacts, produced by artists and
craftsmen, the world over. The product line will be of great interest to collectors, historians and
aficionados of Imperial Prussia. Unfortunately, they handle the period primarily
between 1870 and 1900 so there are only a few items useful to WWI reenactor, but
the site is still wicked cool!

- International Military Antiques - IMA Inc was founded by Christian Cranmer in 1981. In
2004, his son Alexander joined the business and together (with plenty of help from their magnificent staff of 12) they
have grown IMA to become the world leader of the Military Collectibles, Military Antiques and the Militaria industry.
We offer thousands of military antique items, including very rare original pieces spanning the past five centuries, as
well as hard to find top quality new made reproductions.
Vendors: Original Militaria

- Great War
Militaria - The name says it all! GWM is THE store for WWI stuff. They mostly concentrate on original
items. If you get a chance, go to their store as it is well-worth it!

- Bayonet Trader - I have been collecting bayonets for over 20 years. I primarily specialize
in Imperial German bayonets but am always interested in any rare or unusual bayonet from around the world. Please check
out my bayonets that are for sale or trade below. This site is also a great reference for identifying bayonets that
lets you know the relative rarity of a bayonet and its typical price range. All pieces are guaranteed authentic and
supported with a 'no questions asked' return policy. This site specializes primarily in bayonets from around the world.
Hopefully you enjoy this site and I would appreciate any comments you may have.

- Military Antiques and Museum - The historic river front town of Petaluma, just 45 minutes
North of San Francisco, California is the home of Military Antiques and Museum. With over 4,000 square feet of retail
space plus our 2,000 square foot museum, it is the country's largest retail military shop.

- Der
Rittmeister Militaria - deals in fine collectibles from Imperial (pre-1918) Germany. Our inventory is
constantly changing, with regular shipments from Europe. We also make numerous trips to Germany every year and have
excellent connections to find the finest and most unique Imperial German items available anywhere.
Vendors: WWII Reproductions

- At the
Front - ATF has been in existence in one form or another since 1992. We provide exact reproduction WWII
uniforms and gear for re-enactors, collectors, museums and films. (Some of the bits and pieces are useful for the WWI

Landser Outfitters - Sells gear and supplies to World War II German reenactors, but belts, straps, utility
buttons, etc. are useful to the Imperial German reenactor.
Vendors: Firearms and Firearms Parts

Arms - Excellent firearms auction site, as to purchasing firearms, be
sure to check your local laws before bidding and it is always a good idea to have
a dealer in place for the transfer.

Gun - Excellent firearms auction site, as to purchasing firearms, be sure to check your local
laws before bidding and it is always a good idea to have a dealer in place for the transfer.

- - Excellent firearms buy & sell site, you can list for free and you can
find just about any type of firearm over time from the pistols to full auto machine guns.
Sarco, Inc. - Sells original and reproduction parts for almost every weapon you might own, good prices and
great service.

Atlantic Wall Blanks - We're gun collectors, shooters, and re-enactors. After years of not being able to
reliably find quality blanks, or get them in a timely manner, we started Atlantic Wall Blanks in 2003. Treating you the
way we would want to be treated has earned us a reputation as "the guys that will take care of you."

Apfeltor Waffenfabrilk - Robert specialized is G43 restoration and parts, but he also blank adapts P.08
Lugers and Mauser C96 Broomhandles if you ask. He isn't cheap, but his work is absolutely top-notch.

Black River Militaria - Bob Naess specializes in repairs and
restorations of Class III machine guns. If you have a Maxim, or Vickers, or Browning that
needs repairs, you would be foolish to go anywhere else.
Vendors: Restorations and Restoration Parts

and Sons Restorations - Alexander and
Sons Restorations provides "Museum Quality Restorations For the Discriminating Collector." We
provide quality helmets and helmet parts, as well as, equipment paint jobs.

German Helmets, Inc. - Offers both completely restored helmets and
will restore helmets sent to him.

Flower Leather Company - Prairie Flower head harnesses and chin
straps, head pads, and replacement rivets necessary for restoring the Stahlhelm. The workmanship is
Vendors: Off the path

Airdrome Aeroplanes
- Now you can build and fly your own piece of Aviation History. And, at a price less than
what you'd pay for a used car. (And, not a used BMW either.) Airdrome Aeroplane's kits of some of the most famous
planes used in WWI will have you in the air in a fraction of the time needed to build other WWI replica aircraft. No
hunting for parts or waiting for shipments.

Jon Smith Modellbau Modelmaking
Made in Germany - This website shows the model kits & figures of
Jon Smith Modellbau, Germany and is focused around the First World War. Models are produced in resin and special
modeling plaster (for the larger bases or trench parts). These are kits for the model-maker and collector and are
sculptured using the original photos, measurements and items from this period.
Museums / Reference

- The
National WWI Museum - The National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial inspires thought,
dialogue, and learning to make the experiences of the World War I era meaningful and
relevant for present and future generations.

- The
Imperial War Museum - IWM is unique in its coverage of conflicts, especially those involving
Britain and the Commonwealth, from the First World War to the present day. We seek to provide for, and to
encourage, the study and understanding of the history of modern war and 'wartime experience'. We
are proud to be regarded as essential sights of London, Cambridgeshire and Greater Manchester.

Bunker - A large collection of artifacts from Imperial Germany 1860 to 1918,
including Pickelhauben (Spiked Helmets), tunics and caps. Similar categories include the
Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) 1914 to 1919, and the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) 1914
to 1918.
American Units

Austro-Hungarian Units

British Units

Dutch Units

French Units

German Units

Darstellungsgruppe Sueddeutsches Militaer
- They have Bavarian, Württemberg, Prussian and Hessian impressions from different units. Also on the website some
pictures of original stuff ("unter der Lupe"), some uniform pics from different years ("Uniformen") and some essays
about different themes around 1870- 1918 ("Ich war Soldat"). Unfortunately the site is only in German and French right

23 (USA, GWHS) - Imperial German Infantry Regiment "von Winterfeldt" Nr. 23 - fellow 12th Division
reeanctors on the west coast!

23 (USA, GWA) - Imperial German Infantry Regiment "von
Winterfeldt" Nr. 23 - fellow 12th Division reeanctors in the GWA!

IR 459
(USA, GWA) - 8K/IR459 is a World War One reenacting and Living History
Group in the GWA that allows collectors and historical interpreters to come together and explore the "Art of Trench

Infanterieregiment 30 "Graf
Werder" (Germany) - This group portrays a complete section of this Regiment between 1864 and 1895, mainly
wearing the blue peacetime uniform. These guys are very good and authentic!

If you would like to have your website listed here, please email