Pflichten des Soldaten
The term was the credo of the German Soldat. It translates to “Honorable duty of the Soldier.” This
idea was rigorously burned into the Soldat’s mind. This was his strong sense of “Kameradschaft” (comradeship
of his fellow soldiers), his devotion to duty and pride of being a soldier for his country. There was a
code of “Pflicht” that had several “commandments.” Some of the commandments that WILL be adhered to, while
a member of JR63, are the following:
- At all times, the devotion to your fellow Soldaten will outweigh
any other considerations. (This is what Kameradschaft means!)
- Officers and NCOs must at all times consider the welfare of the men
who depend on them for leadership.
- Enlisted men must obey the orders of their officers and assist them
in the ability to make proper decisions or accomplishing their missions.
- The Soldat is responsible for the functioning of his weapon. It must
be clean and free from defects at all times.
- The Soldat is required to learn and perform all the military skills taught
him by his leaders.
- The Soldat must assist those men who need it in the skills that are being taught.
- At all times the Soldat will act in an honorable manner so as to not disgrace
his Kaiser, his uniform or his Kameraden.