

Safety Regulations

JR63 has assembled the following safety regulations which each member will adhere to.

  1. GWA safety regulations must be followed. Click here to go to the Great War Association's website for these regulations.
  2. At JR63 safety inspection during formations:
    1. Each Gruppenführer will inspect his own men for live ammunition. He will inspect ALL ammo from pouches and magazines by having each individual remove and place the ammo in front of his feet.
    2. The Zugführer will personally inspect the Gruppenführer, and then the Gruppen. After the inspection he will report to the Kompanieführer his findings.
    3. In some cases, the event Safety Officers will inspect the Kompanie. If this happens, each Zugführer will accompany the inspectors through the ranks.
    4. The Kompanieführer will inspect the Zugführen. A Zugführer will inspect the Kompanieführer.
    5. If any live ammunition is found within the ranks, it should be immediately be turned over to the Kompanieführer for disposal. The man found carrying the live ammunition is also to be brought to the Kompanieführer for disciplinary measures.
    6. After the safety inspection, the Gruppenführer will make sure there men reload their clips, and ammo pouches. He will insure that no one chambers a round at this time. ONLY the Kompanieführer will give the command: "Laden un Sichern!" (Chamber a round and put weapon on safe!) when the unit reaches the field.
  3. Safety in the Field
    1. If umpires are present in the field, all JR63 members will abide by their rulings.
    2. Weapons will have NO rounds chambered until ORDERED by the Kompanieführer.
    3. Keep the muzzle of your weapon away from other people's head when preparing to fire. In the heat of action one may forget who is on his left or right.
    4. If a person is injured during a scenario, yell out "CORPSMAN." The stop all action until the individual has received treatment or is removed from the area.
    5. Persons with medical conditions should notify their Zugführer. For safety's sake, the person should also carry a medical identification tag to alert first aid people.
    6. Do not drink water from local streams. The water could be contaminated and make you sick as a dog (at which point we will have to taunt you). Stream water can also kill you (at which point we will have a nice Heldenbegräbnis [German military funeral] for you!).
    7. If a grass fire occurs, stop the scenario immediately and put out the fire before resuming. FIRES CAN SPREAD VERY QUICKLY, SO BE ON YOUR TOES!!
    8. Before leaving the field, make sure your chamber is clear. Before loading on a vehicle, make sure your weapon is clear and that no round is in the chamber or in the magazine.
  4. Camp Safety
    1. Keep campfires away from tenting areas. Campfires should be placed in fire pits and surrounded by stone. Clear all weeds and grass from area.
    2. Beware of kerosene lanterns and candles in and around Zeltbahnen.
    3. Don't smoke inside Zeltbahnen. This may sound silly, but the Zeltbahnen are made out of waterproofed canvas and they burn far too easily! The same goes if the unit is using hay around the camp area. Hay is even more volatile than gasoline!
    4. Before nightfall, remove all obstructions in the camp area, such as rocks, tree limbs. Loose equipment, etc.
    5. Alcoholic beverages are allowed (in period containers only) in camp, after combat ends and are to be consumed ONLY when permitted by the Kompanieführer.
    6. Don't even think of bringing illegal drugs! 'Nuff said on this!!!
  5. Warm Weather Safety
    1. Wear as light of clothing as possible.
    2. Always carry extra water or liquids (but not soda or beverages with caffeine). Make sure you drink these liquids. If you aren't sweating, you should drink some water. Be careful of heatstroke - do not over exert yourself.
    3. Rest frequently in the shade. Loosen clothing and relax. A good thing about wool uniforms is that if you pour water over them, they will actually be cooler than cotton.
    4. Carry only the equipment necessary. Don't overload yourself with extra, non-essential things.
    5. Eat light while in the field (This is also a good idea, so that you don't have to spend as excessive amount of time at the Feldabort!).
  6. Cold Weather Safety
    1. Wear several layers of clothing, but make sure not to over so it. Too much clothing will result in sweating and chilling of the body.
    2. Carry a change of dry gloves and socks. If you have extra uniform parts, you should bring them.
    3. Carry a scarf and at least one toque to cover your face and ears.
    4. Oil and grease ALL footwear in case of snow or rain to aid in keeping your feet dry. (Sno-seal is very good for this.)
    5. The Kompanieführer und Zugführeren will keep a close eye on their men. Soldaten MUST not be allowed to wander off from the unit.
  7. Pyro

    The only pyrotechnic devices permitted for use by JR63 members are signal flares and smoke bombs used under the direction of an NCO or officer, GWA approved Minenwerfer simulators, and GWA approved grenade simulators. Our members MAY NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, use fireworks such as cherry bombs, M-80's, bottle-rockets, etc. during an event.

  8. Dangerous Situations

    If you see someone - from JR63 or any other unit - engaged in a serious violation of GWA event rules, such as using dangerous or inappropriate pyro devices, using drugs, etc., report it immediately to your NCOs or GWA staff.