

How to Tie the Halsbinde

The bib portion will be centered on the neck with the top edge under the chin and lay flat on the chest.


The sides are wrapped flat around the neck slipping one tie through the slot on the opposite side — this allows both sides to remain flat and even all the way around the neck. The ties are then wrapped around to the front underneath the bib and pulled — drawing the Halsbinde tight. Lift the bib and tie the ends just like you would tie a shoe lace.


Regulations state that the Halsbinde should extend 3mm above the tunic collar and should be a somewhat loose fit so that one can reach inside with two fingers, leaving just enough room that you should not feel choked.Wearing the Halsbinde too tight could result in heat stroke.

Regulations further explain that the Halsbinde is to be washed at least once a week with soap, warning that failure to keep the Halsbinde clean can result in boils on the neck that will require painful lancing.
