

What's New?

16 December 2020

Wow! Crazy time has passed since I last updated. We just completed our big Fall tactical - what a great event! We voted Herr Brandt in as a full member and Herr Hammsbrich was promoted to Gefreiter! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Männer! The unit performed well in the field and had hearty turnip-based meals that included turnip bread, turnip jam, and turnip cookies, yum! We also were gifted with the attendance of one of our longest serving members, Herr Fraczek - we have missed you!

11 December 2022

IR63 is settling into the holidays after we had a very unique event this past November. We were fortunate enought to get to vote into the unit 7 new members: Max Müller, Steffan Adamczyk, Johann Hammsbrich, Otto Nahler, Konrad Ulrich, Kal Kriewall, und last but not least, Josef Graf — Willkommen Männer!

We also have a gaggle of new recruits: Richter Brandt, Heinrich Eisner, Rudolph Sußenhaft, Erdmann Ziegert, Vinzent Halfar, Jürgen Später, Reagan Papp, Richard Kenyon, Rex Jolles, Chris Rheinhardt, and Dusty Daugherty — Wilkommen!

With all the new members and recruits, we are running out of bunker, FAST. Therefore, the next big thing for IR63 is a bunker expansion. We are in the beginning stages, but we plan to get this underway in the summer of 2023!

31 July 2022

Well, it has been a LONG time since our last update! COVID lockdowns finally let up, and we were able to go to Newville for the Fall 2021 Tactical Event and the Spring 2022 Event. Good events! It was nice seeing old Kameraden and getting an escape.

At the Spring event, IR63 voted Herr Lehmann as Sergeant, taking over from Herr Fensch who served two terms. Herr Lehmann was elected unanimously and has the full support of the unit. We look forward to the next couple of years!

We have a bumper crop of new recruits, I hope am I not missing anyone... Jacob Glahn, Erdmann Ziegert, Jürgen Säter, Rudi Köne, Kal Kriewall, Johann Hammsbrich, Josef Kraus, Wilhelm Roder, and Ernst Roman. Wilkommen Junge!

16 December 2020

Still not much to report under all this COVID mess, but IR63 is happy to tell you that we have TWO new recruits: Steffan Adamczyk and Samuel Lee - Willkommen!

18 November 2020

Well, COVID has still not been controlled, so the Great War Association leadership has again cancelled the January 2021 Winter Tactical. With all our new recruits itching to get to their first event, and our veterans jonesin' to get back out, we are hoping for an awesome event in April!

And speaking of new recruits, IR63 is proud to report that we have another new member, Kurt Baumhauer! Wilkommen Junge!

29 August 2020

Wow, been a long time since we have updated! IR63 is happy to tell you that we have many new recruits: Josef Kraus, Otto Nahler, Max Müller, Reinhold Kuharski, Johann Hamsbrich, Jim Kilbourne and Elias Horn! Willkommen All!

Sadly, there haven't been many other highlights as COVID cancelled our big tacticals in 2020. However, the The Great War Association has scheduled a winter event for January 7-10! If you join us now, you could fall in with us then and enjoy a winter weekend on the Western Front for the New Year!

18 June 2019

At our Spring Tactical event this past April, IR63 voted in Unteroffizier Fensch as unit commander. Danke Herr Fensch for taking the reigns again!

We also have two new recruits, Musketier Stanislaw Wójcik and Musketier Wilhelm Foerster — Wilkommen Junge!

10 October 2018

IR63 welcomes TWO new our new recruit, Herr Koberg! (Yes we already have a Koberg, but we accepted young Anton anyway ;-)

07 October 2018

A few of us die-hard trench rats trekked to Newville this past weekend to see just how crazy the site was going to be after the mild and wet summer - UGH!  It took five of us over five hours to mow, hack, cut, and clear our little section of heaven, and the crud was over the top bad, three of the five of us had to go to the doctor.  Not cool.

After we showed the land who's boss, we retired to the bunker to try and get a little work done there.  But, things went slow so we only managed to get one bunk roped, so there is still plenty to do.

01 May 2018


Herr Drude looking studly in the trenches!

IR63 Enjoyed another fine Spring event by delivering copious amounts of destruction to the Allies in a major assault, sadly their evening counter-attack drove us from our positions.  But we have regrouped and will be back!

Herr Drude, our newest recruit, had a great time and was a great addition to our ranks, we look forward to many more events with him. Prost!

07 January 2018

Sleeve2 Over the holiday break, the busy little code monkeys of IR63 have chipped away and the mysterious magic that brings you this wonderful website, and have made it just a tiny bit better.

The calendar of events for 2018 is starting to fill up, please look for WWI events in your area - and if you know of any not listed, please send them to me at FritzHoffmann@IR63.org.

The code has been updated and improved in several areas you may not readily notice, but we assure that things will run a little smoother. We have also updated several pages with expanded information and images. You will find improvements on our Soldbuch page, our Kochsgeschirr page, our Erkennungsmarke page, our Koppel und Koppelschloß page and our Patronentaschen page. We also added instructions on how to pack your leather gas mask into its carry can to the Lederschutzmaske page. And lastly, we have added a link to our Kleiner Spaten page demonstrating the brutal effectiveness of this item when used as a weapon (warning, not for the faint of heart).

We have also located a Patronentaschen marked to IR63 and have added this to our Original IR63 Images and Artifacts page.

15 November 2017

49_n IR63 managed to survive our first event with Herr Hoffmann commanding, none the worse for wear. It was nice having our own bunker again.

Herr Decker and Herr Graf were awarded “Das Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe” (Merit Cross for War Aid). These guys have been serving the unit for many years and we wanted to recognize them for their efforts.

The bunks in our bunker are nearly completed, we have only 3 side beams and a few reinforcement plates left to install and the only thing left would be the roping. The tunnel entrances were also completed thanks to Herr Decker and Herr Kapitza. Herr Kapitza also built us a nice rifle rack to keep them out of our way. We still have to finalize the roofing, and install the wood stove and vents, but the heavy-lifting is coming to an end.

IR63 also wishes to congratulate Herr Kapitza and Herr Beyer, since we last saw them they both tied the knot! Not to each other, don't go there....

24 April 2017

108_o After some hard work from Herr Graf and Herr Decker, IR63 was able to spend the GWA Spring tactical in our new bunker! Oh, there is still a fair amount of work to do, but knowing we have our own place again to keep us warm and safe from those barbaric Allies is a great relief for us.

Also at the event, the term as Unit Commander for Herr Lehmann has come to an end. Herr Lehmann was an excellent unit commander and I speak for all when I say "Thank you". The unit, knowing no one could fill Herr Lehmann's Stiefel, took a shot in the dark and voted that Herr Hoffmann shall now take over command of unit.

17 December 2016

We wish to welcome aboard THREE new recruits: Justin Payton, Ross Mckenzie, and Reinhold Kucharski!

22 November 2016

IR63 has been battling a crumbling bunker for years and we finally gave in and decided we needed to build a new one. This time we decided to build with concrete for longevity and lower maintenance. We have pics of the bunker under construction added to our Gallery page. We have also added a rendering from the early design, and a rendered video walk through.

And don't fret, there is still time for you to help us complete construction, just drop back by our homepage and you will find a Paypal link to donate ;-).

07 November 2016

We just returned from our Fall tactical, we already have a couple of images up and a small video! We hope to have more to follow — just click on the image at left.

26 March 2016

The question on what to carry during an event to clean the rifle is an often asked one - that doesn't really have one simple answer. In order to help, we have created a page on rifle cleaning — just click on the image at right.

04 January 2016

723 We have added a brand new page filled with original images of Infanterie-regiment Nr. 63 and artifacts attributed to the Regiment — just click on the image at left.

24 December 2015

matzky1 Gehard Matzky began his military career in the Imperial German Army and served in Infanterie-regiment Nr. 63 throughout the Great War. He went on to serve in WWII and the Bundeswehr. We have included a page with his biography to our website to learn more about the original unit.

12 December 2015

0dsd3a We have added a brand new page "Guidelines for Prospective Members" — A short overview of WWI reenacting and IR63 that will hopefully answer some questions you may have if you have not done reenacting, or are unfamiliar with WWI reenacting.

06 December 2015

FR-Rolling-Paper-t The " Pocket Trash" page has been progressing well and should now provide a decent amount of guidance. In completing this page, we have also created some files for download that will allow you to properly label items you carry at a reenactment, items like rolling papers, matchbook covers, flashlight battery labels and possibly even allow you to recreate a pack of cigarettes. These files have also been added to the "Downloads" page.

17 November 2015

ptimage026 We have added a brand new page "Pocket Trash" — the ephemera of the basic German soldier - his personal items that he found indispensable.  These are those little things that will truly make your impression complete.

The page is very crude, but will be refined in the coming weeks.